1. MQMF::LatA
    LatA Simulated length-at-age for 358 female fish
  2. MQMF::abdat
    abdat A list of fishery data for blacklip abalone
  3. MQMF::blackisland
    blackisland tagging data from a blacklip abalone population
  4. MQMF::dataspm
    dataspm A data.frame of fisheries catch and cpue data
  5. MQMF::minnow
    minnow contains weekly growth data for use with seasonal growth curves
  6. MQMF::npf
    npf fishery catch data from Northern Prawn Fishery 1970-1992
  7. MQMF::pttuna
    pttuna is yellowfin tuna fishery data from Pella-Tomlinson 1969
  8. MQMF::schaef
    schaef is yellowfin tuna fishery data from Schaefer 1957
  9. MQMF::tasab
    tasab is a matrix of abalone maturity-at-length data
  10. MQMF::tigers
    tigers is tiger prawn recruitment data from Penn & Caputi 1986
  11. MQMF::twoindex
    twoindex has orange roughy catches with hypothetical cpue